I was looking for some examples of class or course blogs that expand the use of blogs in education further than just journaling. Here is a Social Media and Open Education at Canada's University of Regina. This is an example of using a blog as a scheduled repository for students to follow each class/week. What I like about this is it's as close to a website/online course space as any LMS but...most blog tools are easy and quick to set up and use for educators and their students.
Below is an excerpt from one of their weeks about blogging.
But what really excites my educator geeky self is the link to another cool educational tool, Elluminate Live. When you watch the "Full Elluminate recording" it actually downloads the Elluminate program and session. The first part is a little bit of a yawner, especially because they are not really using the whiteboard, one of the very cool features of Elluminate. But oh wait, my technofile "ooh's" n "ahh's" sound off full blast when the presenter, Mary Waters, starts using the "Application Sharing" feature of the tool. This makes this Canadian university's course blog endlessly interactive with it's course content. Check it out...
EC&I 831 – Week #5 MP3 (Waters on Educational Blogging)
By ADMIN | Published: NOVEMBER 7, 2009
The audio-only version of our October 6/09 synchronous session is now available.
The session details are available at: http://eci831.wikispaces.com/10-06-09
Full Elluminate recording can be found here.
EC&I 831 - Sue Water on Educational Blogging: Hide Player | Play in Popup |Download
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