Saturday, January 9, 2010

CSE 694 – Blogs in (Best Practice) Education

Okay, so I’m back to try and boost my use and knowledge of blogs as an educational designer. In an effort to create blog tutorials with pedagogical strategies for faculty, I realized that I was still in inner denial of the greatest values of the time it takes to create, post, comment, and read blogs. My quick fix idea of just posting a quickstart and bunch of links to a few great educational and technology blogs will be lost on most educators if I don’t lead by example with some geeky passion oozing from a few blog posts. My goal has never been to just point colleagues to best practice teaching, but to help them understand how to show off their own great teaching through the use of new and cool educational tools that have become available and are a comfortable part of today’s millennium student’s knowledge constructionist toolbox too.

So Denvy and CSE 694 classmates; I am ready to explore and soak up everything this blog tool has to offer so I can turn around and share! My most inspirational quote has come from Will Richardson (thank you Denvy for reminding me of it)…

“There is something really powerful about easily being able to share resources and ideas with a Web audience that was willing to share back what they thought about those ideas.”